
Tuesday, September 28, 2004


this sound familiar?
"I haven't posted here for ages so I'm sorry... i have nothing witty to write etc. etc."
yeah thought it might be. i'll talk a little of my little life in a random kind of way. A Levels are a lot harder than GCSEs (but then GCSEs were a pushover so A-levels aren't too bad) I have loads of homework which at the moment I am managing to keep on top of all the work but soon Dads stepladder wont reach the top of the pile so i wont be on top of my work... Ok i get you I'll shut up abuot that.

The college held a freshers ball. I wasn't particularly bothered and therefore didnt get a ticket but perhaps i should have done and attended if only to avoid the comments of...
"You SHOULD have been there - it made my life complete" I mean, how annoying can it be to be reminded of missed opportunities again and again. why not look forward to making tomorrow better than today and then the day after tomorrow even better etc. imagnie how good a thousand days down the line would be! The plus side of not attending was that i turned up bright eyed and ready to make my presence known in lessons. Almost everyone else had a glazed/ill/incredibly tired look on their faces apart from me...
I managed to annoy about 1450 people in and around my lessons just by being slightly hyper and happy. I'm still tired though... i think it's staying up till one doing who knows what.

I have played a lot of tennis recently and feel as if I'm getting back in the groove... The groove being some vague halfway house between poor and rubbish :-)
I have also started jogging and here are my tips for jogging.
1. jog in the dark, it makes you feel as if you are running so much faster. It also means not as many people can see you and mock you for running so slowly!
2. enjoy jogging...
There we go I have run dry of ideas there.

Of course I couldn't write an update of a blog without mentioning the beast that is learning to drive. I have been remarkably close to crashing a few times now to the extent that Dad refuses to take me out until I read the highway code... Best do that soon - I love driving.

The Christian union at school has been good. The first meeting of my cell (yes, its MINE and it's a cell (make your own conclusions)) had 15 people along and was good. The one complaint was that we drew a monopoly board on the whiteboard... Why? I dont know ask whosever idea it was. Then they had the cheek to claim the "GO" square should be in the top left hand corner... That is so wrong. If you drew a monopoly board "Go" would be in the bottom right hand side. i mean, if your going to do something stupid at least do it properly.
On the theology of the CU...
Limited atonement a no go area!
Rolling around on the floor (i.e gifts of the spirit)
and many more debateable issues. They are lovely people though.

Finally, am starting to read "How Long o Lord" by Carson... when/ if I finish it soon i will write a review/ summary of it on here.

Hope everyone is well and apologies for the randomness of this post and the terrible spelling
P.S Jon, thanks for those songs... I love you man
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