
Sunday, February 29, 2004

The Secret Code of Life – Chromosomes and Genes 

Biology lessons have provided me an interesting topic to look at. We are looking at genetics with the hope of talking about the ludicrous theory of evolution in later lessons. Here is a guide to Chromosomes and Genes: the "bits" that make us what we are.

Imagine the human cell as a factory with the nucleus as the office of the factory.
As all interested people would, we want to take a look inside this factory office. On entering, we find a room full of filing cabinets. These filing cabinets have lots of drawers and inside the drawers are 100s of blueprints.
The large filing cabinets represent stick-like objects in the nucleus. The nucleus has 23 pairs (46 in total) of these stick like things. This is different to any other animal on this planet.
These stick like "things" are chromosomes. Chromosome can be split up into the Greek for "colour" and the Greek for "body". This is because they absorb different kinds of coloured stains under a microscope to show parts of the cell.
When a cell nucleus splits in half, one chromosome from each pair goes into each of the two nuclei, so that each new cell has exactly the same number of chromosomes. When the new cells are ready to divide each of them double the number of Chromosomes it has making a pair out of each original chromosome. The cycle repeats itself.
Having established that the filing cabinets are like chromosomes we look more closely at them. Each filing cabinet has a number of drawers. What do these drawers represent? Genes of course!
When genes join together chromosomes are made. Just as the drawers make up the filing cabinet, genes make up chromosomes.
Genes contain the instructions needed to "generate" us. They control different parts of the body.
Opening the drawers in the filing cabinet we see many pieces of paper in each drawer with plans or blue prints of the factory. These plans represent the humans DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Molecules of DNA are what make our genes.
Intelligent ones amongst us will know that a molecule is a cluster of atoms. Take water for example. It is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. So one molecule of water is made of three parts.
The atoms in DNA are: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Phosphorous. There are numerous atoms of each kind in one DNA molecule. These atoms arrange themselves in a double helix or spiral.
In fact, DNA molecules can be compared to a spiral staircase. Just as a spiral staircase has two sides to it either side of the steps DNA molecules have two spiral staircases. There are steps in a staircase and that's what we can call the things that go in between the two spirals. In DNA the steps can be one of four different kinds. On the spiral staircase this could be represented as a Red, Blue, Green and Yellow step.
The steps can arrange themselves in any order. Imagine there were only 10 steps on a DNA molecule. Using the types of steps you can arrange them in 1,048,576 different ways (That took a while to work out). But there aren't 10 steps in a DNA molecule. In fact, there are thousands and it has been calculated that the steps could arrange themselves in 1000000000000000000 different ways.
The ways these steps are ordered act as a code or set of instructions to the body. As blueprints and plans give instructions the DNA give instructions to the cell.
So, we can break down the human body in this way.
DNA molecule OR Plans/ Blueprints
DNA molecules form a gene OR Drawers
Genes form Chromosomes OR Filing Cabinets
Chromosomes are kept in the nucleus OR Factory Office
The Nucleus is in the cell OR Factory
Many cells make organs OR Cities
Organs make organ systems OR Countries
Organ systems make organisms OR The world

The kind of body a human has depends on the arrangements in the steps of a DNA molecule. AND THESE THINGS ARE TINY.

Could this have happened by chance?
The bible says God designed it and I think its obvious that that's the only way.
If an explorer came across a city in an unexplored jungle an found factories, offices and plans, he would realise that it had been designed on purpose by someone.
I urge you all to think carefully at the absurdity of the theory that is Evolution.
To believe in that is to have a religion. I have a religion: that is Christianity which recognises an all powerful creator who created man "very good". It also believes that man rebelled against God and deserves his never ending wrath. But that’s not the end of the story. This just, righteous God sent his own Son as a sacrifice for our sins so that he might bring sinners to himself. Think about it. Click on the link to "Ultimate Questions" and read that carefully.
The religion of evolution is tax supported and funded. Don't you think this is a waste of money.
In all areas it falls short of what the Bible has to say. Our government must be stupid.
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