
Friday, February 06, 2004

"The best of British blogging" 

I know I have mentioned this before but new information makes it all the more interesting...
I remember telling you all about the Guardian Awards ceremony for the best of British Blogging.
I actually read it closely. This turned out to be only the second article I had read by the Guardian. The other one being for my GCSE mock exam. For reasons you will see later I think the Guardian is the best :-s...
The awards were for the following.
The Best Designed
The best use of photography
Best Specialist
The Best Written
All of these were quite impressive blogspots probably interesting reads and all well designed.
The best category was for the under 18s. Take a look at a blog that came close to winning.... if ever I saw a blogspot worse than mine this would have to be it. What a tragically shocking blogspot. And that nearly won...!!!
The winner was a pretty impressive blogspot well updated, well written, well presented and well just about everything else. Looking through I see he got given £500 for winning. Thats an impressive sum of money.
Well, I dont really care about any of that all I was interested in was seeing that they had loads of pictures on their blogspots. I guess one has to pay to have that feature installed. And I am not a man prepared to pay anything for this (I'm not really a man yet either) But if anyone does know how to be able to put on pictures without paying for it I would gratefully accept your help.
So there we go. Now we all know a little more about the yearly "Guardian Unlimited" awards... not that anyone cared.
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